
What are the methods of delivery?

That depends on the country you ordering to. You get to choose the carrier during order. In general we work with Zásilkovna (Packeta) GLS, DHL.

How long will it take to deliver my order?

Delivery time by country:

Czech republic 2-3 days
Slovakia 3-4 days
Rest of EU 3-7 days

Worldwide shipping time varies by delivery country.

How long after an order is placed do you ship it?

We ship the order ASAP. Very often the same day it is placed or the next business day.

I did not receive the shipment. Where has he been for so long?

Delivery by courier within the Czech Republic takes 2 to 3 working days. We often ship the order on the day it is created or the next business day. After sending, the chosen carrier should contact you and inform you about the delivery. If nothing arrives even on the fifth working day, it's probably not his (or our) hangover.

Email us at rumpel@lifeisporno.com that still nothing has arrived and we will search.

What happens if the courier does not reach me at all or if I forget to pick up the goods at the post office by the given deadline?

The order will be returned to our shipping partner. We are in this for a 100 CZK, because we have to pay the postage. If the order is paid for, after the return / processing we will contact you and sort out the refund. If not, we're pissed for a while.

But somehow we breathe it out. But beware if it happens more than 3 times you will be blacklisted and you don't want that!

Products & Orders

How do you release collections?

How we enjoy it. But mostly we have 2-4 releases per month. You can learn about them from our Instagram or from our newsletter, which you can sign up for in the footer of our website.

Product is sold out but I want it. Is there a chance to buy it?

Very slim. Perhaps somebody does not pickup the product and it will be readded back to the e-shop. Do not expect a restock of our stuff though.

Do you have a store?

Of course, however THE STORE IS CLOSED TEMPORARILY. We hope to re-open soon.

I would like to order custom handpainted clothes.

We can't help you with that, sorry.

Is it possible to try the goods somewhere?

Not currently. For each product, as the last picture, there is a size chart with the exact measurements of the given product. Then compare them with what you normally wear ;)


What are your methods of payment?

Card or Cash on delivery which is dependant per country and courier. Our partner Shopify payments offer payment card, Apple Pay, Gpay. In the Czech republic you can choose Cash on Delivery.

Can I pay via cash on delivery?

Cash on delivery is available only if your order is delivered to Czech republic.

Returns & Reclamations

Can I return or exchange my stuff after ordering?

Yeah, you can. If the product doesn't fit, pack it unworn in the same box and send it to the following our address or Zásilkovna point near to our Forbidden Spot.

  1. Send the returned or claimed goods (unworn!) should be sent to: Forbidden s.r.o., Milady Horákové 185/104, 160 00 Prague 6 or the nearest Zásilkovna dispensary.Use this form to return goods / make a complaint 
  2. Don't forget to tick and fill in the whole form correctly so that we know exactly what to do with the return. 
  3. Do not forget to include the order number, the reason for the complaint and if you want an exchange (if we have the size in stock), then what exactly you want to exchange it for.
  4. We also need your name, address and phone number. If you want to return the money, then the account number (outside the Czech Republic in IBAN format). It will be in your account within 14 days.

You can find more information here. If you don't know what to do, write to us at e-mail: rumpel@lifeisporno.com

What about fee when returning goods?

The customer pays fee for the when returning or exchanging goods, unless it is our fault.


I don't know what to do and haven't found an answer. What should I do?

Simply email us at rumpel@lifeisporno.com and Rumpel will answer. Give us up to 2 business days to answer, ok?

Get in touch

Have questions about your order, or a general enquiry?